Mistreatment and the Learning Environment

Learning Environment 

Fostering a supportive and respectful educational community is a priority at the University of Colorado, School of Medicine (CUSOM). Clearly articulating this statement emphasizes the importance of creating an environment where all individuals feel valued and respected.

To achieve this goal, it is crucial to not only outline expectations for behavior but also provide resources and support for students, faculty, and staff to understand and uphold these standards and reinforce the importance of respect and professionalism in the Learning Environment.

Additionally, having clear channels for reporting and addressing instances of mistreatment is essential. Students should feel empowered to speak up if they experience or witness behavior that goes against the community's values, knowing that their concerns will be taken seriously and addressed promptly.

Creating a positive Learning Environment requires ongoing effort and commitment from everyone involved. By exceeding the mandates set by the LCME (Liaison Committee on Medical Education) and striving for excellence in fostering a respectful and supportive community, CUSOM can truly make a difference in the educational experience of its students.

Student Evaluations:
All evaluations of clinical courses include questions related to the learning environment.  In addition, all evaluations of faculty and residents include the question, "I have concerns about this individual continuing to work with medical students." This question is yes/no and if "yes" is selected, the student is required to leave a comment and will be contacted within 2 days by the AEO Dean. Comments in this box are confidential and will not be released to the faculty/resident. 

In addition, CUSOM partners with the Office for Faculty Relations to appropriately address any faculty or resident professionalism concerns.  Students are encouraged to report on their own or in discussion with the AEO Dean.  

For more information or to report an incident, visit the Office of Faculty Relations

Visit Learning Environment to read the CUSOM Learning Environment definition, our guiding principles, and policies related to Mistreatment and the Learning Environment.

LCME Reference:  
3.5 Learning Environment/Professionalism
3.6 Student Mistreatment
4.4 Feedback to Faculty


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